Let's face it, your attention span isn't what it used to be. The internets are destroying that shit by the minute. Hell, if you're anything like me, you get boreddd just takin' a pee. I've gotten sidetracked from writing this twice already and it's only the second sentence.

Now more than ever, the art of the short song is crucial if this budding art form we call "music" is ever going to make it as a legitimate medium. Wanna make music better? Wanna save the music industry from the wrath of technology? Then shorten your god damn songs. That's my solution, anyway.

Back in the 90's, we knew how to write a short song. In fact, we'd get all our buddies together write a shitload of short songs, put them all on a slab of vinyl and try to sell it to you. Here are exactly 244 songs presented to you in 3 installments:

Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh is a 1991 compilation by the now defunct Slap-a-Ham records that boasted a whopping 41 bands playing 64 songs in the mere 13 or so minutes seven inches of vinyl can provide. Son of Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh is its sequel which managed to cram in 10 more bands and 5 more songs. Obvs, if you're gonna rock that many jams in record time, they gotta be short and hella fast. They don't necessarily have to be loud, but that's just kind of an inevitable byproduct of the fastness and the shortness.



Wood Panel Pacer with Mags came from the also defunct Too Many Records (short songs weren't very lucrative in the 90s either). 100 songs on one LP and a 7". Lots of ubiquitous 90s compilation bands on here: Less Than Jake, JChurch, Operation Cliff Clavin, Schlong, Blanks '77, and 95 others you've never heard of may never hear from again. Took this from the Very Small Records blog (run by its former proprietor who posts free downloads of their out of print catalog and then some) who unfortunately ripped these 100 songs into just four continuous mp3's, one for every side of vinyl. And hey, I don't blame him. 100 songs is a lot to cut up and label for the sake of maybe less than a dozen grateful fans who don't already own this on vinyl.


Finally, for the sake of legitimacy, I'm including a video of Napalm Death's "You Suffer". This song currently holds the Guinness Book's world record for shortest song ever recorded. Now, I know what you're thinking, and yes, it IS bullshit. 90% of the songs from Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh are shorter. Fuck, Descendents have shorter songs. Moreover, Napalm Death admits to having written and recorded the song as a joke. But, you have to understand the bigger picture. Guinness is kind of like the Grammys. Shit, they're worse than the Grammys. Meaning, they don't know what the fuck is going on until years after it's already happened. Let's not take this as a slight against the Descendents, Anal Cunts and Sockeyes of the world, but as a triumph for short songs as a whole.